Things you should know about WORK LIFE BALANCE

As it’s rightly said, medicine, law, business, and engineering are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry beauty music love romance these are what we stay alive for! And at the same time, it’s rightly said don’t stop when you’re tired stop when you’re done! One might find these two narratives totally contradictory. But isn’t life all about striking the correct balance? Work-life balance is an evolving concept and means a synergistic blend of work and personal life. Personal life would mean different for everyone, for some, it might include spending quality time with friends and family, and leisure activities, or for some, it might mean working for enhancing their career! In this era where overworking is glamorized, hustle culture is celebrated, and reaching the top of the success ladder is considered a life and death matter, and taking a break is a guilt trip. We all need to question ourselves, is all this giving us true peace and happiness? Are ...