How to Sleep Better

As it's well said good sleep is the best meditation. Are we getting enough of it? Maybe the answer is yes, but is the quality questionable? The answer most probably is again yes. A lot of people are fatigued throughout the day even after having enough hours of sleep on the other hand certain people face issues with circadian rhythm difficulties. Contact the best psychologist. Apart from the regular points that we should stay away from gadgets 45 minutes before going to bed, exercise regularly, have light meals at night go to bed and wake up at the same time, and not consume caffeine 8 hours before sleep, ensuring peaceful and comfortable ambiance of your room. I would like to bring your attention to other less discussed but important points regarding sleeping well. Sleep quality is an Indirect indicator of your mental and physical well being And if there are any problems with sleep quality this calls for introspection. Because it's not just limited to sleep hygiene it’s way be...