Best Neurologist in Indore to Cure Depression.
Present days are having a maximum number of patients suffering from Depression. Tough living conditions and the daily challenges to survive and excel in respective fields are subjecting people to a state of depression.
Symptoms of depression:
A depressed person may be sad, sitting in a place hopelessly. He may cry or be angry and irritated over things that do not matter anything at all to others. They may be anxious, restless, suffering from insomnia, sleeping all the time, lazy, and a person living without any purpose. He may not be interested in anything and may be lethargic or tired even after doing nothing. They may stop eating or may overeat, becoming obese. They become forgetful and cannot take a decision. This may result in physical discomforts also such as pain all over the body or at a particular spot.
How to Handle the Patient?
This is a disorder that requires medical attention. It is a psycho-neurological disorder that can be treated successfully by a specialist psychiatrist and neurologist. The doctor will prescribe certain medicines to treat the patient after examining him. A normal person in the family may have to give the medicines to the patient at first. As the patient gets better gradually, he can take the medicines himself.
Besides medicinal help, the doctor may involve the patient in certain physical and mental activities that are liked by the patient, to keep him busy. The family members and friends have to also help the patient to recover by treating him normally as if nothing has happened to him. These will slowly but surely bring out the patient from the shell of his depression.
Degrees of Depression:
Depression may be of various degrees. It may be mild at the initial stage or may be severe. Patients suffering from severe depression may develop suicidal tendencies. These patients talk negatively and express their wish to die. They become disinterested in worldly things and start giving away their things to others. They may talk about death to those whom they know.
What to do in such a Situation?
Besides taking treatment from a specialist best neurologist psychiatrist to cure the condition, the family members must not leave the patient alone at any time. Everything that may be used to commit suicide should be removed from his vicinity. The patient may require to be admitted to a hospital if the situation becomes unmanageable at home. A specialist neurologist psychiatrist is a must to handle the situation and treat the patient back to normalcy.
Neurologist and Depression Doctor at Indore, M.P.,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy is one of the leading neurologist psychiatrists treating such patients in Indore, M.P., He is a very experienced psychiatrist and is available in Dr. Reddy’s Mind Clinic at Vijay Nagar Indore. He is an expert Neuro Psychiatrist having cured many such patients in that area. His Mind Clinic is considered to be one of the best centers for treating patients suffering from Psycho Neurological disorders. Dr. Reddy - The best Neurologist in Indore is the best Neurologist in Indore. He is sure to cure the patient. Only one has to be patient and keep his spirits high.
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